From Struggles to Strength: Inspiring Journey of Motivational True Short Stories

In the series of Motivational True Short Stories , today’s story is Determination It’s easy to give up at the time of adversity, it is easy to let go our dreams then. But for some, the most difficult of challenges can spark a flame within, a burning determination that refuses to be extinguished.

This is a story of a person, who against all odds, showed to the world the true power of strong determination.

It is a story of perseverance, courage, grit, desire and the never die spirit that drives us to achieve something that is near impossible. Keep reading as we ride on a journey that will inspire and move you, and leave you with a reignited sense of purpose and a belief in the power of determination.

Motivational True Short Stories : The Determination

There once lived a family who were very poor. They were farmers by profession. There was a little land and they did not have any big instrument for farming. To this family one day they got a blessing in the form of a son. Many friends and relatives from far and near came to see the boy said ” This boy can’t see, he is blind. He would be of no help to you. As he grows he would be a burden for you. It’s better to kill him.”

Parents did not pay any heed to any number of people giving suggestion to take up such a cruel action. They showered all their blessing over him and nurtured him with lots of love and care. The boy’s parents were financially very poor but they had a heart of gold.

The boy grew to become a nice obedient and hard working kid and at the age of 5 joined a local school. This was a normal school. He was not able to understand anything as he could not see. The teachers made him sit at the back. He was bullied by many kids, who used to make fun of his blindness. This made him recluse, and depressed. He had started hating school. Finally he left school to pursue his dreams.

His Father took his son to farm, in the farm also he was  unable to do anything because he could not see anything. But, he wanted to study. His father knew it and asked many people help for his son’s education. Somebody told him about a blind school. He joined in the blind school and completed his 10 standard with an outstanding score.

After 10th standard, he applied for intermediate and got rejected because of his blindness. He didn’t get any opportunity to pursue further. He filed a case on the intermediate board. The case ran for 6 months. Finally, he won, joined intermediate course and performed outstandingly.

He wanted to do engineering in the from the best University . He applied for all Universities and got rejected once again. They have said there is no entrance for blind people to get admission in the Technical Universities. He didn’t get discouraged. He searched a lot and finally knew about American universities which offer courses for blind people.

He applied for the universities in USA and got four offers from world’s top universities. He perused his higher education in MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the world’s greatest universities. He completed his education from there. He got offered many jobs with great package. He rejected all of them and said my state is waiting for me.

He returned to his state, and opened a startup. His company has a 80 Cr. turnover, provided employment to many people and offering 3000 poor students free education, food and accommodation every year.

Conclusion : Moral of the story

If you stick to your effort with strong determination, you would definitely accomplish what you had wanted. Never give up on your effort.

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