Motivational and Inspirational Short Stories : The Mission

Have you ever wondered what Motivational and Inspirational Short Stories do ? they make you think, react and even change your mindset. This story “The Mission” makes one think the importance of taking up a task and completing it totally.

Motivational and Inspirational Short Stories : The Mission

In a remote village lived a young couple. The man was a farmer and he had an angelic and virtuous wife. The farmer’s wife respected him very much. She was devoted to her husband the farmer.

The framers fields were a little distance away from home. He used to daily work on his fields from morning to dusk and then return home. He took his lunch with him to the fields which he had under the shade of the banyan tree near his field. When his wife was late to cook food he went empty handed. On those days the farmer’s wife went to the field with the farmers lunch.

On day while he was returning home the farmer found a gold coin lying on the ground, seeing the gold coin the farmer was so delighted that he ran to tell about it to his wife. He was surprised to see the reaction on his wife. She was calm not excited as the way the farmer was to see the piece of gold. The farmer then asked ” why are you not happy as i am “.

The farmer’s wife said ” It is said that a true person is one who earns his own living. How can you take a piece of gold that is not yours.” The farmer was flabbergasted, but he was proud of his wife for saying this. He went to the place where he had found the gold coin and placed it from where he had found.

Next year the farmer was called by a man with considerable position to work in his fields for a high salary. He had to leave his wife alone and go to a far off town. It was during these days that his wife had started stitching a cloth for her husband. She packed goodies for her husband and bade him good bye.

One day as she sat stitching her cloth, to her surprise she saw her husband in front of her.

She asked ” what happened. why are you back so soon.”  Husband replied in a heavy voice ” Darling i missed you”. The farmers wife got angry with what her husband had done.

At least show some gratitude and sincerity to the person who has given you work. Love and all can have a better time. But the farmer tries to make his understand his point. His wife gets up and fetches up a pair of scissor and cuts the cloth that she was making into two pieces.

The farmer is perplexed to see what his wife is doing. She says ” If you cut your mission half way, as my mission was to complete this cloth, your mission was to work for that rich man in his fields, then the outcome is certainly zero. This cloth can only be worn if the mission is complete. Similarly you had taken up that work, it’s your gratitude and sincerity to complete the work.”

The farmer was very delighted to hear this from his wife. He quickly returns back to do his work he had promised with the rich man.

Story Lesson

This story is an inspirational story for people who out of fear or many other reason leave competition in the middle. This story makes them understand that when you leave a competition in the middle the outcome is certain and sure. The outcome is nothing, a big zero because of the incompleteness of the mission. This story inspires them to complete whatever task one takes upon themselves.




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