About us


Life is full of surprises, discoveries and just plain living. There are no Successes or Failures. Life is just meant to be lived.

These are some of the take aways as a student of Psychology  and Observer of this wonderful creation called life is teaching me.

About us

Hi, I am sujay Kumar a Media Professional,  a Lecturer in Visual Communication, Content writer, Film maker, Photography all rolled into one, Life is a learning process and what I have learnt from that is, life is not finite, it’s always infinite. To understand it one must surrender to it,, as it teaches you at every step, you just have to be ready to learn.

This website is an insight to the infinite of learning. To provide knowledge & Information is our motto.  So “ Let’s seek knowledge “ should be the real motto of yours to browse in this space.

This may all sound so heavy, but I promise you, It’s quite simple.

Holistic Canvas

Welcome to Holistic Canvas :  This website has been designed to provide conscious choices about one’s lifestyle, including diet, exercise, motivation, environment, relationships, and other factors that can impact one’s health and happiness.

Holistic Canvas is a canvas for Holistic Living or Natural Living. It’s a philosophy and approach to life that seeks to consider the whole person, including physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects, rather than just one aspect or dimension.


The goal of holistic living is to create balance and harmony in all aspects of life, and to promote overall well-being.This approach often involves making conscious choices about one’s lifestyle, including diet, exercise, work, relationships, and other factors that can impact one’s health and happiness.

It can also involve practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and self-care, as well as a focus on sustainability and environmental awareness.


Ultimately, the aim of Holistic Canvas is to create a sense of balance and well-being in all areas of life, and to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health.